The Fraunhofer Center for Conservation and Energy Performance of Historic Buildings Benediktbeuern is located in the Alte Schäfflerei (old barrelmaker's shop) of the Benediktbeuern Monastery. Through research and demonstration work, as well as the acquisition and transfer of knowledge, the center finds answers to issues concerning the sustainable and lasting preservation of evidence marking the identity of our architectural culture.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP and the Fraunhofer Information Center for Regional Planning and Building Construction IRB have restored the listed building dating from the mid-18th century in accordance with historical building requirements and under energy-saving aspects to create a “Transparent Building Site” and put it to new use. For this initiative, research, industry and heritage conservation work closely together. For more information about the center, click here.
About the content of the film: The Fraunhofer Center for Conservation and Energy Performance of Historic Buildings Benediktbeuern shows ways in which existing properties and listed buildings can be refurbished in an energetically sensible and effective manner and preserved in the long term.